Telescoping Antenna Repair - What tools/technique? - pictures telescopic antenna
They do not know my own strength. I have several radios with different antenna or telescopic, and I think they removed their part within the clutch.
Is there anyway to repair these units? I mean, you can set the smallest part, extending copper have tabs again, in most of the diameter of the antenna. However, I do not know how to bend or deflect the question section of larger diameter at the border once more "permanent" capture of the smaller part in the larger section.
Is there a special tool for this? Can you give me a link to a picture or drawing? Is there a special technique to it with ordinary tools?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Pictures Telescopic Antenna Telescoping Antenna Repair - What Tools/technique?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Toronto Stomach Flu Please Help Me Do I Have Swine Flu?
Please help me do i have swine flu? - toronto stomach flu
I come from London and were on vacation in Toronto. I have a small appetite, but not seriously, and I am a thin person. The other day I went to the gym and lifted some weights and now my arm muscles are really bad. I produce mucus, saliva, and my cough sometimes, but not excessively. Just sneeze and sometimes a slight headache and my chest feels as if about to explode sometimes. I wonder if you sneeze and cough, usually made of swine flu. My stomach is a kind of Shakey, but my muscles in my hand really hurts. Please help now, is getting serious, and I will not go to the doctor, if his grave, because I am from Canada. I also have showers, but it is probably because the AC is and I understand the general malaise. But my mUSCL and feel your lower body is probably the worst symptoms and phlegm, but can lead to smoke occasionally. This is no joke, please answer seriously
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Sample Basal Body Temperature Chart Ladies, Is It Good To Know That You Ovulate?
Ladies, is it good to know that you ovulate? - sample basal body temperature chart
So my question to this is because my husband and I have been TTC # 1 for almost 3 years. I did not get pregnant in early March, I finally went to see a doctor. The samples were taken from a Pap smear and a blood test. She put me in the basal body temperature and began to sketch the mapping of the 7th March. I have my time for 11-14. I was sooo scared that it might something wrong with me, or I can not ovulate, which is the reason for my coming is not pregnant. I saw my temperature rise in the 30th March, and it is clear that the ovulation, so that a good sign? On 28 I had light, water, sticky white discharge, pain or cramping in the abdomen and chest pains when I ovulate the 29th and then 3 NextDay my temperature has remained at the same place. was before my temperature from 97.0 to 97.2. within 3 days of 29, was 97.6.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Easyjet Code Promotion Easy Jet Promotion Codes???
Easy jet promotion codes??? - easyjet code promotion
Does anyone know of easyjet promotion codes are available now know that travel this month, a UK domestic flight
cheers x
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Bahamas Atv Are There Any ATV Tours/trails In Nassau, Bahamas?
Are there any ATV tours/trails in Nassau, Bahamas? - bahamas atv
No, this is the land for these things good .. But we kayak on the lake, horseback riding, jet skiing and boating Thriller .. Certainly enough to keep the excitement level.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Shower Door Track Guide Please Help. Sliding Shower Door Guide At The Bottom Wont Stay Put.?
Please Help. Sliding Shower door Guide at the bottom wont stay put.? - shower door track guide
I have a new shower door. And the basic theme is only about four inches long. (More information as a guide.) Is made of flexible plastic and is expected to go into the break, still not in. But keep in the block of wood with a hammer, but it did not work. I would try to tail, but he was advised against it. Please help. Thank you in advance.
Friday, February 19, 2010
How Babys Get Broken Capillaries On Face How To Get Over An Ex Which You Kinda Cant Avoid.?
How to get over an ex which you kinda cant avoid.? - how babys get broken capillaries on face
In pregnant and me and the baby's father broke, we were always broke, but it was good that the text back to normal in a few days with us, but not limited, we separated because I wanted to say a little more attention and told me it was a stupid b ***** and stop as needed, and it remains for me when we parted, I get over it, I mean, I'm pregnant and ready to be freinds, but I can not, he wants to pretty sure of appointments with doctors, but I can not, in that, hes done, I do not see. I do not know what to do, every attempt possible and Ive just need someone to help me and tell me what to do.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Gc Tooth Mousse Expiry Date Am I Supposed To Make The Tooth Mouse Stay My Teeth?
Am I supposed to make the tooth mouse stay my teeth? - gc tooth mousse expiry date
I am currently using GC Tooth Mousse Plus, but it is a problem. Then I hung up, which always follows the saliva in my throat when I swallow. After a moment, no trace of scum on the teeth. Should I let myself be swallowed with the saliva, or to stay? Please help!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Measles And Itchy Skin Skin Rash. Pictures Included.?
Skin rash. Pictures included.? - measles and itchy skin
I had this rash for 3 days. His intense itching. I often have eczema. But very little. This outbreak is in the legs, arms, face), eyelids (extreme itchiness in my scalp.
What is it?
My mother thinks it may have an allergic reaction to something.
But my big admits that he is against rubella (German measles).
This is nothing like eczema. That is a lot more in the area, and all kinds of 1mm/3mm spots.
I have nothing like this in the back or abdomen.
I alsot in the throat and into my arms.
Any help would be very grateful.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Russian Bare Port Why The Footprint Of The Bare Foot Of Porfiry Ivanov (a Well-known Russian Extrasens?
Why the footprint of the bare foot of Porfiry Ivanov (a well-known Russian extrasens? - russian bare port
The author of the famous "detka)
on the surface - the Moon in 1960 and how he was saved (in
the moon!), two American astronauts (A. Sheppard, E. Mitchell) from the
"Apollo - 14" in 1971
Monday, February 15, 2010
Why & When Mucus Come From Cervix Could This Cervix Mucus Suggest Conception Has Taken Place?
Could this cervix mucus suggest conception has taken place? - why & when mucus come from cervix
I am 8 days past ovulation and I experience trying conceive.i reduce back pain which is very unusual, as is usual in my belly when the pain is a dull ache and comes and goes, but that it sometimes feels like menstrual pain, is But at my back, which is unusual.i, I also noticed that my cervical mucus was increased again, is the amount of time of ovulation but increasingly sticky (but not elastic, like looking at ovulation) I tryed, but not have found a lot and want to obtain information or opinions.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Fluttering Feeling In Upper Left Of Abdomen My Upper Left Abdomen Area Feels Like There Is Kind Of An Uncomfortable Fluttering Right Under My Rib Cage... ?
My upper left abdomen area feels like there is kind of an uncomfortable fluttering right under my rib cage... ? - fluttering feeling in upper left of abdomen
It does not hurt just feels very strange and uncomfortable, so I do not know if this could possibly starting a stomach ulcer ... or what ... Please help!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
People Who Hiccup Alot Hardest Desision Of My Life?
Hardest desision of my life? - people who hiccup alot
In the 20 weeks and 4 days pregnant (by accident) that I took the pill and the ear infection and ear drops have surgery on my shelf by my doc. In any case .........
In the 19 and my bf is 20 Although people have children younger than we think he can not give this child life really deserve it. Abortion was never an option for me. I will not give up, i really really dont. She moves in me, I feel her hiccups every movement. I have a good job, but does my BF. We both live with our parents and can not afford to leave yet. I have to pay many debts in the next few months and really can not pay my child. To live thoughts, and I do not see, and my daughter will not kill me, but luckily no one who is approx WIHor call everything I can.
The couple were in CONCIDERING my little girl is a pair of lesbians. Although I have absolutely no problem with that. How do u think you are without a father to be ready?
Friday, February 12, 2010
Meps/ Orthotics Meps Physical Questions?
Meps physical questions? - meps/ orthotics
I have two questions, the members are threatened with extinction:
My vision is really bad, worse than 20/400, but it is 20/20 with glasses or contact lenses. Is this a problem?
I am also flat footed, gave me no real problems, I prepared myself to wear orthotics, but I did not know, I mean, I think I could without them for the start. You know, I'm surprised if I am nothing, or go on to say check my feet? Thanks
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Male Erection Gallery Can The Male Erection Occur Simultaneously With Fear?
Can the male erection occur simultaneously with fear? - male erection gallery
A discussion on the possible occurrence of HRT came today and I just wanted to know if that was possible. This would help the problem of rape out of fear of address.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Printable Ralph Lauren Horse Does Any1 Know Where I Can Get Printable Trombone Sheet Music For The Following Songs?
Does any1 know where i can get printable trombone sheet music for the following songs? - printable ralph lauren horse
Ralph Ford Braes dimensions ............ Ye Banks and Doon o'bonnie-arr. Michael Sweeney ......... Westbound Train-Tim Broeg ...... Ritual of the prairie ... mountains.train rain in the west .. soldiers'procession and Sword Dance Bob Margolis ................ and tempera-Robert W. Smith, who can help, preserve and runners appreciated please enter the name of the song and the site u, if it can thank you
Monday, February 8, 2010
Red Bump On Lip Piercing Bump Right Below My Lip Piercing?
Bump right below my lip piercing? - red bump on lip piercing
I have my lip pierced last Saturday, so I have a needle on the other causes of inflammation in I first started, because every time I move to talk is so great, it was a bump under my t lil doesn 'hurt and there is pus or red or pain is not just a slap Skintone CMJ is basically what I am not d get the transition to a shorter one.will help? The last night of the coup was mother says what he means is that true?
please.the help even Drilling is great! ^ - ^
Sunday, February 7, 2010
How Much Would A Camera Sell For How Much Would You Sell This Camera For On EBay?
How much would you sell this camera for on eBay? - how much would a camera sell for
I have a Nikon N6006, and I am looking for the update. I looked at eBay and see anybody sold 100 to $ 200. I wonder how much is sold.
You get the camera, an autofocus lens Sigma, a carrying case, manual and cleaning cloths. And all for only $ 100? This does not seem right.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Cleaning Flat Top Grill Why Do You Put Oil On A Flat Top Grill After Cleaning?
Why do you put oil on a flat top grill after cleaning? - cleaning flat top grill
To stop oxidation and help cook
Friday, February 5, 2010
Bushnell, Elite 4200 6-24x50 Will A Bushnell Elite 4200 Hold Up?
Will a Bushnell Elite 4200 Hold Up? - bushnell, elite 4200 6-24x50
I try it on my Win Mag 300 is to mount a 4200 6-24x50. Do you think this is a good photo? Will you celebrate in retrospect that a lot? Thank you.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Antique Engish Prams Want To Sell Antique 35 Mm Professional Wooden Movie Camera Of Silent Era. Engish Made Yr.1903.?
Want to sell antique 35 mm professional wooden movie camera of silent era. Engish made yr.1903.? - antique engish prams
This camera is 100 years old and in perfect condition. It was from an Indian maharajah and epilogues are used used to make films. I am looking for a true collector or buyer. In my research, I think that is perhaps the only peace around the world available. The camera is in my family for 70 years, presented by the Maharaja of my father.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Template Motorcycle Racing Suit Which Would You Choose?
Which would you choose? - template motorcycle racing suit
a.) Mustang or bike?
b) What kind of Mustang or motorcycle
c) The images can be viewed
a.) Mustang
b) 2005 Red Convertible
c.) ...
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Lorena Herrera Desmuda Silly Violations : Why Did I Get One For Asking The Men If They'd Deport Lorena Herrera ?
Silly violations : Why did I get one for asking the men if they'd deport Lorena Herrera ? - lorena herrera desmuda ...
Monday, February 1, 2010
Torrent Download Izymail Keygen What Exactly Is A Torrent And How Do I Use Bitcomet Download Software And Download Torrents?
What exactly is a torrent and how do I use Bitcomet Download software and download torrents? - torrent download izymail keygen
I'm new at this torrent download area. Can someone tell me, in the right direction? I downloaded the program and tries to download information from Isohunt BitComet but the files do not open. Can anyone help?
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Glue To Use On Unity Sand Wedding Unity Sand Safety?
Wedding unity sand safety? - glue to use on unity sand
My wife and I the sand in the unity of our marriage and we are constantly paranoid that its guna tip will be on the sand and cracking everywhere .. The sand is in a glass vase .. I wonder what someone knows, around the tip of a glass melt, so that sand is heavily guarded and the introduction of tailor-made .. Even while I was completely free from fear, even when I turned on its head? Since the glass plate with a filling super glue? or something of that nature. One kind of cement level?
An unusual question that I know. But if you can help, it would be great!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Sample Of Baby Shower Congratulation I Know How To Do Baby Shower Gifts .how Can I Make Money Out Of It?
I know how to do baby shower gifts .how can i make money out of it? - sample of baby shower congratulation
The thoughts and make samples show shop.where hospital gift I can Wholesale Baby Clothes in Miami, Florida? Do you know a Baby Shower Gift for sale?
Hot Vigina Pics How To Keep Your Vigina Clean?
How to keep your Vigina Clean? - hot vigina pics
Ok, so I shaved my hair is not everything!
Iam of course, how to stay as .... clean inside as well as the lips, all these domains. Is it good that a hot slpash use or not?
What do yall for a woman? BTW .. and I often have sex ...
Friday, January 29, 2010
Long Dong Silver My Friend (goes By The Name "long Dong Silver) Is Going Back To Iraq For The 3rd Time...?
My friend (goes by the name "long dong silver) is going back to Iraq for the 3rd time...? - long dong silver
Pitty women feel now and will never forget the farewell as he could not repeat.
There is already a hero in the field to save lives and we believe this is the reason for ordering his reinstatement A.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Last Blade Sprites Sheet Does Using Other Game Sprites As Reference Be Considered Plagiarism?
Does using other game sprites as reference be considered plagiarism? - last blade sprites sheet
I'm working on my game, indie-until recently. I am not copying the reasons the King of Fighters and SNK last piece of reference of my sprites, and just insert and they are about to do really new to scanning, and my own original character of them, the appearance of characters and no reference is designed by me, but also provides for other games that I do I use as reference the poses and animation a bit similar. My question is: Do not use other types of reference plagiarism?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
How Long Does Hair Have To Be To Wax How Long Does Mooms Hair Removal Wax Last?
How long does mooms hair removal wax last? - how long does hair have to be to wax
If you use please tell me whether it is good. if not, what are your suggestions.
How long?
Is it painful?
get all the hair?
It is easy to use?
I use it in places other than the legs?
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
African Nation Facts Is This An Important Fact Missing From The Washington Post Article Cited Here?
Is this an important fact missing from the washington post article cited here? - african nation facts
The correction to this article
In some editions of the Post, a story of the 10th July, said a new Senate report on intelligence failures that former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV told his contacts at the CIA that Iraq had tried to buy 400 tons of uranium from the African country of Niger in 1998. Interested In fact, it is Iran, with this purchase was, but no contract was signed, the report said.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Toshiba Mouse My Toshiba Notebook Wont Go To Screen Saver As Long As The Optical Mouse Is Active?
My toshiba notebook wont go to screen saver as long as the optical mouse is active? - toshiba mouse
Toshiba said it was for the optical mouse. Other models can use an optical mouse and go directly to the screen saver when idle.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Best Bed For Back Pain What Bed Is Best When Your In Pain?
What bed is best when your in pain? - best bed for back pain
For years I have tried to find comfortable bed to reduce the pain and morning stiffness. I tried to # different mattresses and a water bed and the bed. Suggestions?
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Maternity Exercise Clothes Question On GAP Maternity Sizing?
Question on GAP Maternity Sizing? - maternity exercise clothes
I heard that GAP maternity size of a bit too big. I have a 30% online expires today, and I wanted to order shirts. I am a 38D before pregnancy, and I guess I would between XL and XXL (that is, what its destination in exercise clothes) is a piece of editing. Any advice on the size of the order?
Friday, January 22, 2010
Old Garrison Wood Stoves How Do I Know What Size My Head Is?
How do I know what size my head is? - old garrison wood stoves
I looked at a summit of the old crew, and under 6 3 / 4 "- 6 7 / 8" inside. It was too small for me, and I know how to find what my size.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Life After Hysterectomy What Was Your Sex Life Like After A Hysterectomy ?
What was your sex life like after a hysterectomy ? - life after hysterectomy
hello in 36 and by a partial hysterectomy by fibroids, also causes weight gain.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Homemade Buggy Plans Ok So I Was Wondering If Anyone Would Give Me Some Fresh Ideas Homemade Dune Buggy?
Ok So I Was Wondering If Anyone Would Give Me Some Fresh Ideas Homemade Dune Buggy? - homemade buggy plans
although I have an old something idk what it is, but I need an old Ford rearend I have and put a motor and tranny in it, like a jeep or go shopping, I can get in touch Get in the back only to Game ideas on the issue of address Please Help
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
India Tour Blogspot England Have Decided To Cancel India Tour Because Of Security Concerns?
England have decided to cancel india tour because of security concerns? - india tour blogspot
England have decided to have the tour of India because of terrorist attacks in Mumbai .. Do you think that this is the right decision by the ECB?
Monday, January 18, 2010
Logitech Classic Keyboard Has Anyone Tried The +logitech Classic Keyboard 2000 With The Wii?
Has anyone tried the +logitech Classic Keyboard 2000 with the wii? - logitech classic keyboard
Can anyone tell me if the keyboard to use with the Wii, or propose an alternative.
Thank you very much
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Ski Jackets Sale Math Question Please Help Me Please For Ten Points?
Math Question Please Help Me Please For Ten Points? - ski jackets sale
A shop selling 90 varsity ski season for $ 200 each. Each reduction of $ 10 price would be sold in five West.
Here you will find the number of shirts sold and make a profit on the sale price of $ 17 600 from the sale of ski jackets.
What is the lowest price that could generate revenues of at least $ 15 600? How many layers should be sold at this price?
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Vail Ski Packages How Many Days Does It Take Ski Most Of The Trails At Vail Ski Resort?
How many days does it take ski most of the trails at vail ski resort? - vail ski packages
I am planning a ski trip to Vail ski resort in Colorado.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Generator Cost How Much Should A Small Generator Cost?
How much should a small generator cost? - generator cost
ETQ 1200
Output AC 60 Hz
Maximum output 1200 VA
Blended Gasoline
Please tell me what I should sell it!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Ice Skate Sizing If My Shoe Size Is 7 Or 8 What Would Be A Good Hockey Ice Skate Size For Me?
If my shoe size is 7 or 8 what would be a good hockey ice skate size for me? - ice skate sizing
because I have a 5.5 5 k RBK pump skates, but it bothers me because it can not be strong enough lol im very excited
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Buy Projector Lamp Can I Replace A Home Theater Projector Lamp Myself Or Do I Need To Take It Somewhere?
Can I replace a home theater projector lamp myself or do I need to take it somewhere? - buy projector lamp
Your projector is not under warranty. It is an Epson EMP 73c and the light goes out in it. I have not bought a replacement lamp for the moment and need to know if it as simple as opening the projector and the partition or do I take it somewhere for them? Also, if I can to repair it? Huntsville, Alabama
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Wireless Motion Detector Alarm Why's There A Wireless Motion Detector Faced At My Couch?
Why's there a wireless motion detector faced at my couch? - wireless motion detector alarm
I met with a motion sensor 5890PI Ademco opposite my bed, it is possible that a camera or connected? There were a total of 3, to all locations that are not necessary for an alarm system.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Great Lakes Discus How Do The Great Lakes Remain Fresh Water If They Are Connect To Salt Water Systems?
How do the great lakes remain fresh water if they are connect to salt water systems? - great lakes discus
The 5 Great Lakes are the world's largest reserves of fresh water. However, the Great Lakes are connected to 2 large seawater through a network of streams and rivers (including the Saint Lawrence Seaway and the Mississippi River). Please help explain how there are large freshwater lakes in order to continue, even though they are directly connected to the water supply of the size.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Mental Health Treatment Centers Is There A List Of Alcohol/mental Health Treatment Centers For Northern California?
Is there a list of alcohol/mental health treatment centers for Northern California? - mental health treatment centers
for Humboldt County, call the Humboldt County Mental Health Alcohol / programs of other drugs (AOD) ... 7074764054 and ask. Some hospital programs are in the trees sing Garberville for 28 days, Brown, Lee, Bonnie Brown, alcohol and drug maintenance (ADCS) for 90 days in Eureka, Humboldt Recovery Center (HRC) for 6 months in Eureka, an intersection on the north coast of the Substance Abuse Council (NCSAC) during 18 months in Eureka. Is the number of local mental health crisis, 7074457715, 7074448645 hotline is the Narcotics Anonymous of Humboldt County Mental Health Crisis is No-7,072,682,900th
Good luck
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Rheumatic Diseases More Condition_symptoms Why Is It Like This In Rheumatic Heart Disease?
Why is it like this in rheumatic heart disease? - rheumatic diseases more condition_symptoms
Why is this group (GAHB A beta-hemolytic streptococcus is) affect only the left side of the heart and not from the right side of rheumatic heart disease?
Friday, January 8, 2010
Catholic Marriage Retreat In A Catholic Marriage, Is There Such A Thing As Indecent Sex?
In a catholic marriage, is there such a thing as indecent sex? - catholic marriage retreat
If you are a Catholic and married in the Catholic Church and go, and I think all of his teachings, there are things that you should not do sexually?
For example, give your husband a lap dance (hahaha) would be something like this is inappropriate?
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Bible Action Figures What Do You Think Of WalMarts New Bible Action Figures?
What do you think of WalMarts new bible action figures? - bible action figures
I want God with an offering of blood will be delighted!
I would also like to God, wash your sins in the blood!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
West Towing Contemplating A Tour Of The West. We Are Taking Our Truck/truck Camper. Should We Tow My Car Behind?
Contemplating a tour of the west. We are taking our truck/truck camper. Should we tow my car behind? - west towing
I wonder if would be behind a parked truck towing a caravan of trucks in the western sense for trips / excursions in the city. Or is it just slowly Us Down - leads increasingly concerned about parking, etc.?
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Outlaw Audio What Audio Book Is This?
What Audio book is this? - outlaw audio
I remember the children audio books, long ago, at least 7 years.
There were two children, a sister and a brother, a ranch or a boat and went along a path of cows with an older man and told a ghost story. It was a bounty hunter and an outlaw, one of the names are not Dan Silver Dollar, however, is the other name escapes me. Another part of the Ghost Story has been declared illegal, to his treasure buried somewhere in the desert.
Any help in this matter would be very grateful, thank you for your time .... Steve
Monday, January 4, 2010
Coconut Oil Diet What Is The Difference Between Coconut Oil Capsules And The Regular Oil Itself?
What is the difference between coconut oil capsules and the regular oil itself? - coconut oil diet
Is there a difference between the form of pills oil. What should I do to help the saddle, every day. I know, TMI! Is there a difference between coconut oil and coconut oil regularly? All information with someone who uses it would be great,! Please tell me if it helped with everything! Thanks
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Doral Golf If I'm Going On Vacation To The Miami Area And Am Looking To Play Some Golf Which Course Should I Play?
If I'm going on Vacation to the Miami area and am looking to play some golf which course should I play? - doral golf
Crandon Golf at Key Biscayne
The Red Course at Doral?
I give you the best answer
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Harley Street Glide Harley Davidson Street Glide?
Harley Davidson street glide? - harley street glide
I asked myself, bought a Street Glide has more than 06? If so, how do they compare to the news? What was the first year of the slides on the street? It moldels mechcanicaly year is better than others, because every year something new on the changes in cycling mechcanic? Thanks
Friday, January 1, 2010
Cool Kitchen Gadgets Where Can I Buy Cool Kitchen Gadgets And Chef's Hats?
Where can I buy cool kitchen gadgets and chef's hats? - cool kitchen gadgets
My girlfriend loves to cook, and I'm looking for websites or stores in London that sell fresh kitchen appliances at a reasonable price.
I also have a cap with "Queen of the Kitchen, where they have other than printed shopping with months and now I'm not here to find anywhere!